And one day we just laugh of our fears“… written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I met Dana maybe 15 years ago.

We’ve worked together on a project.

But … the project delayed so, so much … that we ended up becoming friends.

Easy… easy … we’ve started to talk about lots of things … especially our lives.

… even details … which had to do with intimacy.

We lost contact … by already few years … but something still reminds me of her.

She was the first woman …. which telling me her life … made me understand the woman.

You see … firstly she was married with a guy in Norway.

… a wealthy guy.

Unfortunately … he was treating her very bad in there.

She was cheated.



And … actually husband saw her more as a slave than a wife.

One night she left from that beautiful mansion which meant for her … only a hell … with a plastic bag with few things in it.

Abandoned the husband.

… but also her child.

Most certainly … the experience itself was horrible … that Dana could abandon her daughter in there.

And … to be honest… hearing this story … even if we were friends at that time … I’ve started to judge her.

I was thinking … “what type of person is Dana … if she could abandon her child?!

Why she left alone?!

Why she didn’t took her child also?!”

I had lots of questions into my mind … but maybe the fears made her act like that.

And … the Universe acted nice with her …. cause later on she found a new man.

Again …. a wealthy guy.

They had a good business in Paris.

… a beautiful 600 sqm house with swimming pool and garage.

2 Porsches.

Short story … all a couple could dream.

Somehow … the story was repeated.

She was living the same experience again …. but this time she really had the life she thought she will have first time when she married.

But … again … Dana surprised me with her perceptions.

After being cheated many, many times … in the first marriage …. Dana asked to her second husband to swear in front of God … that he will never cheat on her.

… somehow believing him … that all will be different than her first marriage.

But one day … Dana told me something that really changed…. my whole perceptions about the woman.

It was a long talk.

We’ve spoke on the phone that day maybe 2–3 hours.

Somehow … laughing …. she said … “I’ve spoken recently with my husband … and i’ve just told him… that if he will ever cheat on me … i just want him to … use a condom.”

I said … “What?!”

“Yes. It might happen.

In France … things like that can happen.

I simply …. changed my mind.

I know it can happen … and my only request was to use a condom … so that i don’t get infected with … a disease.”

I could not believe it.

But … at that time … i was too busy to analyse all that … in micro details.

It was funny … how she changed her perceptions.

Extremely funny.

Most probably … she became realistic.

Extremely realistic.

And … wise.

Or maybe … she allowed her husband … what she started to adore doing.


Tasting energies.

Connecting to new souls.

… without believing that this is something bad.

But … being realistic enough … she knew that playing this game … it might all end up … as cheating.

So … she was into that point … when she knew that … we all have a dark side.

Including her husband.

Including herself … but even if the marriage was nice … that didn’t necessarily meant that betrayal could not happen.

I was just listening her … for hours.

And … indeed I’ve learnt a lot from her … but still … even today … when i analyse all a lot … i can’t agree with such obviously real case scenarios.

Cause … i am not a open minded person.

I am … too utopian.

In my beliefs.

In my actions.

In my writings.

In … all.

Maybe …. Dana was for me a great teacher … but … i am indeed … a stupid student … at this school of life.

Download the book ”The dark side … of the human being

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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